Being on Zofran for the morning sickness (a GODSEND, btw for those of you who can't keep your face out of the toilet) does have a disadvantage: I often worry that I am not actually pregnant. Morning sickness is my most prominent symptom and now that I have medical intervention in the way to allow me to live my life semi-normally, I almost miss it. Not the actual vomiting in itself, but the constant reminder that I still have a baby growing in my belly.
The food aversions have persisted despite the Zofran, however, and I can't even watch a commercial about chicken without feeling my insides crawl. And the food cravings are starting to come. I can't attest to wanting pickles and ice cream, or anything entirely too strange, but I did have an odd one today. Not pickles and ice cream odd, but, well . . .
It's a coffee cup filled with broth. Chicken broth, actually. Which is a little bit strange considering chicken makes me want to gag. I guess it's a texture thing and not a flavor thing, because when the idea suddenly popped into my head, it quickly became a MUST have. My second cup is in the microwave as I write.
So, I must still be pregnant. Or at least incredibly crazy.
Another change with being pregnant is my newfound obsession with baby shows. Today alone, I have watched "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant," "A Baby Story," "Bringing Home Baby," and "One Born Every Minute." Also, "Sister Wives," which I don't know if that counts as a pregnancy show, but one of the wives is preggo in the old DVR episodes that I'm currently watching, so maybe.
I'm also addicted to baby apps (I have an iPhone), baby websites, baby books, and baby blogs. I even created a list on Facebook of which ones of my female friends have children under the age of three. I'm driving poor Ben completely crazy, and I worry that I'm starting to go a bit crazy as well. I just want to make sure that I'm doing everything correctly! I want to be the best Mommy that I can possibly be.
So that's enough of a confessional for one day, I will now go and hop in the shower so that I can be nice and clean when DF gets home from work in a little bit.
That is, after I finish my second cup of broth. x.X
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