That's my June-years resolution. To blog more. Must increase my social networking skills now that I'm opening an online shop! (Etsy, anyone?)
For those interested in visiting my new shop, I don't have anything up on there yet, but you can find me at: The Salted Cherry. Hehe!!
I will be selling various knit items, specifically baby/maternity stuff, and hopefully I will be learning how to sew soon (I've been looking at used sewing machines on craigslist, might be able to snag a decent one for only $40 or so if I play my cards right) and then I can also sell cloth diapers, quilts, activity mats, etc. So, doing very well craft-wise.
The pregnancy is also progressing well. Biologically, my uterus is now up to my belly button (amazing considering it took 11 weeks to emerge from behind my pubic bone. That seems like a lot of growth for 8 weeks!!) and my belly is starting to get hard. I find out in a week if this is a girl baby or a boy baby, so looking forward to that!
Still getting morning sickness, but not nearly as severe as it used to be, mainly just first thing after I get up. I'm also having some major poo problems. >.<!! But at least I have the rest of the baby's life to remind him/her how hard this pregnancy was on me and that s/he should appreciate me lots and lots. Woohoo!
Well, I just wanted to start instilling some self-discipline and write, but I don't have an awful lot more to say. I will post pics next blog of some of my hand-knit items and we'll see how the reaction is. Loads of loves to all!
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