Thursday, April 14, 2011

Screening for Down's Syndrome and Trisomy 18

It went well.  The blood draw was even done by this really great nurse and I couldn't feel the needle once it was actually in.  It was wonderful!

Got the results today and I have "the lowest result possible, 1 in 10,000 risk of Down's Syndrome and 1 in 10,000 risk of Trisomy 18."  Hooray!

But that's not why you're reading, is it?  You want to see the PICTURES!!!  I know my audience.  :D


 Right arm!  It's a top-down view and I can already rest assured that my baby has ten fingers and ten toes.  And I suspect lo is about to learn how to suck its thumb.

Little left leg.  Buttock.  And (is it just me, or is that a GIGANTIC) foot.  :)

Is it just me or can you see those little lips, too?  And a joker-esque smile?  Of course the eyes look weird--at this age (12w4d) baby's eyelids are still fused together.  Will be for a while, too.  And you can see the little fingers again!

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